Gradient transitions and the public spaces as defining factors for the functions of three buildings.
Three separate bodies with public ground floors are connected by two public in-between spaces with different functions: One with traffic
and one without. In the area with traffic the idea is to slow the traffic down to create a connection across the street animating the space
designated for transportation.
The area without traffic will be lowered to increase the level of intimacy and safety generating a backyard atmosphere encouraging
activity and stays for longer periods of time. This area resembles the sculpture gar- den from The Whitney Museum.
The middle building is serving as a link between the two public spaces. Therefore the boundary of the low- ered area is inside the building,
which ground floor is used as a café or open kitchen.
The bottom part of the building across the public space without traffic is intended to be a youth centre.
The ground floor of the building across the street from the café will serve as a food market creating a link to the other side of the street
by function.
On top of the three buildings there are roof gardens (second chosen opening from The Whitney Museum) isolating the residents
from the life in the public spaces. The roof gardens on the two buildings are partly covered and have an elevated floor level ensuring a
visual contract to the street level.